/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 5:33:21 Dec 24, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 8:15:51 Mar 30, 2017. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ // CLASS : MADWORKS_System_Load // Init function MADWORKS_System_Load(){ this.wib = screen.width; this.heb = screen.height; this.documes = (document.getElementById || document.createElement || document.getElementsByTagName) ? true : false; this.objects = window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent ? window : document.addEventListener ? document : null; this.types = 'load'; } // ADDSEVENT MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.addsevent = function(func){ if(this.objects.addEventListener){ this.objects.addEventListener(this.types,func,false); return true; } else if (this.objects.attachEvent){ this.objects.attachEvent("on" + this.types,func); } else { return false; } } // FIND OBJ MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.findobj = function(obj){ this.parent = window.document; if(this.parent[obj]){ return this.parent[obj]; } if(this.parent.all && this.parent.all[obj]){ return this.parent.all[obj]; } if(this.parent.layers && this.parent.layers[obj]){ return this.parent.layers[obj]; } if(this.parent.getElementById && this.parent.getElementById(obj)){ return this.parent.getElementById(obj); } return null; } // BROWSER MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.browser = function(){ this.ver = navigator.appVersion; this.agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.dom = document.getElementById ? 1:0; this.all = document.all ? 1:0; this.ie5 = (this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom) ? 1:0; this.ie6 = (this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom) ? 1:0; this.ie4 = (document.all && !this.dom) ? 1:0; this.ie = this.ie4 || this.ie5 || this.ie6; this.opera = this.agent.indexOf("opera")>-1; this.gecko = (this.agent.indexOf("gecko")!=-1) ? 1:0; this.bw = (this.ie || this.opera || this.gecko); return this; } // ALERTS MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.alerts = function(err){ alert(err); } // CONFIRMS MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.confirms = function(str){ confirm(str); } // PROMPTS MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.prompts = function(str,fix){ prompt(str,fix); } // FIND OBJ MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.findobj = function(obj){ this.parent = window.document; if(this.parent[obj]){ return this.parent[obj]; } if(this.parent.all && this.parent.all[obj]){ return this.parent.all[obj]; } if(this.parent.layers && this.parent.layers[obj]){ return this.parent.layers[obj]; } if(this.parent.getElementById && this.parent.getElementById(obj)){ return this.parent.getElementById(obj); } return null; } // FIND TAG MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.findtag = function(tag){ if(document.getElementsByTagName(tag)){ return document.getElementsByTagName(tag); } return null; } // WINDOWS MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.windows = function(url,name,wid,hei){ var width = (this.wib - wid)/2; var height = (this.heb - hei)/2; window.open(url,name,"width="+wid+",height="+hei+",top="+height+",left="+width+",dependent=yes,titlebar=no,scrollbars=no"); } // WINDOWS MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.scrollwindows = function(host,url,name){ var wid = (this.wib - 50); var hei = (this.heb - 100); var width = ((this.wib - wid) / 2); var height = ((this.heb - hei) / 8); var open = host + '/' + url; window.open(open,name,"width="+wid+",height="+hei+",top="+height+",left="+width+",dependent=yes,titlebar=no,scrollbars=yes"); } // STYLES OMADWORKS MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.oMADWORKS = function(obj,styles){ var parentdiv = this.findobj(obj); if(!parentdiv){ return; } if(parentdiv.style){ parentdiv=parentdiv.style; } parentdiv.display=(styles=='none') ? 'none' : (styles=='block') ? 'block' : (styles=='inline') ? 'inline' : ''; } // STYLES RMADWORKS MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.rMADWORKS = function(obj,styles){ var parentdiv = this.findobj(obj); if(!parentdiv) { return; } if(parentdiv.style) { parentdiv = parentdiv.style; } switch(styles){ case 'display': return (parentdiv.display ? parentdiv.display : ''); default: return null; } } // TEXTAREA MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.textarea = function(gui,obj){ var retextarea = this.findobj(obj); if(gui<0){ var rows=-5; var cols=-10; } else { var rows=5; var cols=10; } var rerows = retextarea.rows + rows; var recols = retextarea.cols + cols; if(rerows >= 5 && recols >= 45 && recols < 96){ retextarea.rows = rerows; retextarea.cols = recols; } return false; } // FONTSIZE MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.fontsize = function(obj,gui){ var fontcont = this.findobj(obj); if(gui<0){ var fsize=-1; } else { var fsize=1; } var resize = parseInt(fontcont.style.fontSize) + fsize; if(resize >= 9 && resize < 17){ fontcont.style.fontSize = resize + 'px'; } return false; } // TEXTAREA MADWORKS_System_Load.prototype.broken = function(host,url){ if(confirm(message)){ var open = host + '/' + url; window.location = open; } } // CLASS : MADWORKS_System_Load // INIT CLASS var MADWORKS = new MADWORKS_System_Load(); // INIT CLASS // CLASS : MADWORKS_AJAX_Initialize // Init function MADWORKS_AJAX_Initialize(works){ this.works = works ? true : false; this.reqxml = ''; this.data = ''; } // Create MADWORKS_AJAX_Initialize.prototype.create = function(){ if(!this.works){ return false; } var msxmllist = new Array('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0','Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0','Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP','Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); for(var i=0; i/g,">"); hint.style.width = ''; hint.innerHTML = str; vc = document.getElementsByTagName((document.compatMode && document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat") ? "HTML":"BODY")[0]; x = window.event ? event.clientX + vc.scrollLeft : advance.pageX; y = window.event ? event.clientY + vc.scrollTop : advance.pageY; vcwidth = vc.clientWidth ? vc.clientWidth + vc.scrollLeft : window.innerWidth + window.pageXOffset; vcheight = vc.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset : vc.clientHeight + vc.scrollTop; if(hint.offsetWidth>200){ hint.style.width = '200'; } if((x + hint.offsetWidth + 15) > vcwidth){ hint.style.left = x - hint.offsetWidth - 4; } else { hint.style.left = x + 15; } if((y + hint.offsetHeight + 19) > vcheight){ hint.style.top = y - hint.offsetHeight; } else { hint.style.top = y + 19; } //if(typeof(hint.style.MozOpacity)!="undefined"){ hint.style.opacity = '.91'; hint.style.filter = "alpha(opacity:91)"; //} hint.style.visibility = 'visible'; }; } // INITIALIZE MADWORKS_System_Hint.prototype.initialize = function(){ // CREATE DIV var hint = document.createElement("DIV"); hint.setAttribute('id','hint'); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(hint); hint.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // CREATE DIV // MARKER var hintmarker = ['a','img']; var textmarker = ['title','alt']; var lenmarker = hintmarker.length; // MARKER for(var i=0; i